Thursday, October 7, 2010

DesComm - Portfolio

Assignment: Post your portfolio to your blog, both as a PDF and as screen shots that viewers can easily see. Talk about some of the key challenges and how you resolved them in this newest version of your portfolio.

My portfolio is available on UC's Professional Practice site. I also try to keep my UC website up to date as well. As this quarter is just starting up, I haven't had the chance yet to make a new style sheet for it reflecting my current portfolio's layout and design. Or add in my projects from last quarter....

The challenge I had this time was I really wanted to make my portfolio look like the senior's portfolios. I needed to make it look sleek and in depth and show off all the work and thought process that goes into my projects. The portfolio I had to start from looked like a barely stepped up picture book. Each project needed to be longer and go into more detail. This was difficult because there have really only been three projects that we have spent any significant time on, and one of them for me kinda sucked. You don't put work you aren't proud of into a portfolio. That left me with only two projects and I knew I needed at least four. I had done some extra work for a few of my sophomore projects so I kept them in and included more of the back work for them.

The other problem I faced was all graphical problems. My layout was meh, my grid was non-existent, and my fonts made my Graphics friends cringe. This was solved by listening to my teacher explain grids, we all were over thinking it, and by enlisting my Graphics friend to poke at my text layout. I didn't let her touch my fonts, but I did try to pick better ones. I was relatively pleased that she didn't have to do much to it, apparently I'm learning stuff in my Graphic Design Basics class.

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