Tuesday, October 19, 2010

DesComm - Open Post

Assignment: Write about whatever you want relating to home, school, work experiences, or something else that could be applied to design.

A couple of quarters ago, our professor asked us to name a few of our favorite things. One of mine is my chair. It's this sweet old chair that used to be in my favorite high school teacher's classroom. By the end of ninth grade I was completely in love with the chair and told the teacher I'd be taking it with me when I graduated. He thought that would a great idea as he was retiring the same year and had no idea where the chair came from and didn't use it himself. I loved it because it was a great shape for sitting crosslegged in and it tilted farther back than anyone expects it to. Surprise factor. Because of this, my entire family and everyone I've ever met hates sitting in it. It's my chair. When I started at DAAP I was introduced to design history and instantly fell for Charles and Rae Eames' designs. OMG, that's my chair!! I was stoked that I had what looked like their chairs, not even daring to dream that it was a real one and not a knock-off. About a week ago I took a picture of it to show to my professor, who is a self-professed fanatic about these chairs, and was able to tell me with a good deal of certainty that my chair was in fact a real one. So, freaking, cool.

1 comment:

  1. The four star base is cool, they don't make those anymore. All chairs like that have to have five now...
