Tuesday, October 5, 2010

DesComm - Film

Assignment: Movie trailers are the appetizers of the film world. Find a great movie trailer and write about why it makes such a great piece of communication.

Memento is one of my favorite thinker movies. The trailer does a good job of describing the hows and the whys but doesn't go into what happens, so watching the movie is still worth your while. It really bugs me when movie trailers practically show you the whole movie, or they've been edited to make it look like an entirely different movie. Or even worse, they keep the mechanism secret until you get to the movie theater so you are disappointed that it was all just a dream or they are really just ghosts instead of being a really neat movie.

This movie uses a neat way of keeping the viewers in the dark about what will happen next because the main character has memory issues and he doesn't know what just happened. The movie plays backwards. The question then turns into 'how did this all start' instead of 'how does it end'. Really cool.

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