Tuesday, October 12, 2010

DesComm - Info Design

Assignment: Scour the web for the best example of information design and share them with your audience. Talk about the common techniques used in these great infographics.

The website Infographics Showcase takes submissions and gives them grades on design and content. The good ones are super interesting to look at and they are explained why the good ones are good and why the bad ones are bad. One thing I noticed that was common to most of them was that everything was outlined, most used either black or white, only a few outlined in colors. This helps gives a more illustrated feeling to the image. An interesting thing that might just have been a coincidence was that all the good ones used Sans Serif fonts and the two that used Serif fonts were really terrible. Sans Serif fonts seem to be better for posters and graphical things, while Serif fonts are better for text things like books and magazines. The good ones also managed to keep their images in the same style, bad ones mixed MS Office charts with web photos and badly drawn vector art.

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