Assignment: A typographic grid organizes text and images across the pages of a document. A grid can consist of a single column framed by margins, or it may have multiple columns. When you design a grid, you typically begin with vertical divisions (columns), and then add horizontal divisions called flow lines that arrange elements at consistent heights throughout a document.
Your page size is 8 × 8 inches. Create a grid with 1/4 inch margins all around and four vertical columns, 1/4 inch gutters. Arrange the provided text on the grid. Create three different designs on three different pages, all using the same underlying grid. You must use only Helvetica Neue 55 Roman. Do two layouts using 8-pt type only, and one layout that introduces one additional size of type.
For this assignment, I created the grid and then just used the spaces in it for the text. The first one I just put everything in the center. The headings got a bit more spacing so you could read them at a glance. The second one I toyed around with using the gutters in between the columns instead. The amount of space was just enough for one line of text so I duplicated that down the page with the rest of the paragraphs. The lines are too long to comfortably read, but it was an interesting idea. For the third one I realized I had used one column for the first and three for the second, so I made a two column text box for the last one. The lines might still be a tad too long, but it works better than the second. I don't like how close the text is to the top and bottom of the page, but that couldn't be helped while staying within the grid system.
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