Tuesday, November 2, 2010

DesComm - Strengths

Assignment: Write about your individual strengths as a designer and how you stay focused on them.

I believe my strengths as a designer is my ability to look objectively at a problem and figure out what needs to be addressed in the final solution. I'm a strong problem solver and its one of my interests to read up about new materials and processes. This extra knowledge comes in handy when looking at problems in new ways.

I keep this skill of mine sharp by always looking around for things that have longstanding problems that people just seem to accept. One of my favorite commercial tag lines is from Dyson Vacuum Cleaners. "We fix the obvious problems others seem to ignore." That really resonates with me. If there is a problem, there has to be a better way of doing it. Then I start thinking about what would be better. Its a game I play in the back of my head constantly. The downside of this makes me come off as being overly critical and negative. I'm really not negative, but I do agree with being critical.

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