Tuesday, November 9, 2010

DesComm - Review Goals

Assignment: Review your goals from the beginning of the quarter and evaluate your progress before the final assignment.

Goal 1: Get a Job
Mission accomplished. I'm going to Swimways. They are in Virginia Beach and they make pool tools and camping gear.

Goal 2: Get better at sketching
'Better' is a relative term, but I think I actually did it this time. I switched over to using a mechanical colored pencil instead of a Verathin, and my line work has improved. My teacher always got on my case about not keeping my pencil sharper. Instead of trying to fix my bad habit (which I tried for the last year without success) I changed tools and the mechanical pencil keeps my lines sharp. Having lines and drawings that aren't all fuzzy and awful looking has given me the motivation to put more effort into the care of my drawings. It's not a giant improvement, but its a step in the right direction.

Goal 3: Learn more about Graphic Design
Done. The Graphics Design Basics 101 class that also required a blog and it's entries are interspersed throughout this one has taught me more about how graphic designers approach things and I've gotten a peak at their window of the world. I'd love to keep learning about it, only because I know everything I present will be better if I know about type and layout.

Goal 4: Good looking resume/portfolio/final presentation
Also done. I like my resume now. Its easy to scan quickly and its pretty. My portfolio has also taken a large step forward. I feel like it has aged up from underclassman to upperclassman. There are fewer projects included but they are all explained more in depth. This helps make it look less like the picture book version I had before. As for my final presentation, I'm still hopeful!

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