Saturday, April 3, 2010

Photography Site - American Photo

American Photo had an interesting article about Chris Kridler. She is a Storm Chaser photographer. I've always loved photographs of lightning. She has some really pretty ones. According to the article she takes two weeks off from work in May/June to chase and photograph storms. Krinler has a lot of tornado shots as well as lightning photos. Her website, Sky Diary has all her photos on it. She works in Florida, but has pictures from New York's snowstorm and Tornadoes from Texas and Kansas among them.

When asked where her work has appeared, this was her answer, "In several documentaries, including National Geographic Explorer, and programs on the Weather Channel, The Learning Channel, the BBC, and History Channel. My photos have appeared in weather guides, books, magazines, the International Journal of Meteorology, and art shows. I get just as excited communicating work through my website. I get a lot of e-mail, especially from kids." She said she got started from taking a storm-chasing tour and photography was only a hobby of hers at that point. I think it's really neat that even if you aren't a professional highly-trained photographer its still possible to take amazing shots.

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